Earth is
an amazing place, and just as spectacular are the billions of souls brave enough
to come here to experience it. In this book, we have explored many cases,
learning how difficult and challenging, as well as powerful and uplifting, our
lives can be.
It is not all darkness and pain. Being human is exhilarating and noble, multifaceted and rich. Human life is a gift. Each life is valuable and necessary.
We can be too hard on ourselves, expecting so much,
feeling worthless and self-critical. From the stories in this book, I hope each
of you begins shifting any critical view you’ve held, congratulating yourself
for undertaking your earthly journey. The guides have told us many times that
just being on the planet in a human body is courageous and admirable—no matter
how we play out our lives.
We are all brave souls with inner strength and resources. Many of us need to focus on what we have achieved over our current life and many lifetimes. We have overcome many challenges and are still here, taking on more. Once we understand how challenging this journey really is, we become less judgmental of ourselves and others.
We have seen that those who build walls are trembling like jelly on the inside. Feeling abandoned and terrified of love, the only path they perceive is putting up walls of protection. The more isolated they feel, the more they reinforce their walls, creating a vicious circle that is not easily broken. Of course, this is an important part of our earthly journey. Although not all souls choose to be perpetrators, we need to experience enough isolation to understand those who do.
The naïve mind sees strength in those who are controlling, forceful, or violent. Many fear such people. But we have seen that those using force and intimidation are empty on the inside, playing out cruel games in an attempt to repress their deep feelings of shame.
From the journeys of the clients in this book, we have
learned that our lives are planned to various degrees, and yet we have free
will while executing our plan. We have learned that souls cannot easily choose
to be abusive in one life and compassionate in the next. These cases
demonstrate the long, debilitating struggle many souls endure before emerging
into light after their dark night of the soul. Souls evolve slowly over many
incarnations, just as humans gradually evolve during the many experiences of
one lifetime.
Being victimized for our naivety is another part of the journey. How do we really understand others without matching their experience? This is an experiential planet. We learn through experience.
We saw that true strength comes from the inside. To
deepen our connection to others, we must allow ourselves to be vulnerable. The
walls need to come down. To be vulnerable, we need a strong core, a deep
knowledge of our inner strength, our integrity, and our immortality. To open up
emotionally, we need to focus on the challenges we have overcome. As children,
we had one primary job: to get to adulthood. All of us experienced challenges.
Some of us had to deal with bullies, broken families, mean people, neglect, or
abuse. Whatever we experienced, becoming an adult is a great achievement. How
many of us acknowledge our child self for this accomplishment? We easily recall
our shortcomings, but how often do we focus on our insights, our sincere
efforts, our good deeds, and our humble successes?
Consciously making the choice to soften and open our heart, even when we don’t know how to do it, is a step that begins the process. Practicing meditation, surfacing and accepting our fears, while asking for help to release them, will eventually calm our mind. When we truly desire to connect and are willing to be vulnerable, our spiritual guides will help. We will meet situations designed to open our hearts. Our courage will grow as we face our challenges rather than finding distractions.
Yearning to know how to grow spiritually means we are on the path of developing our intuition, knowledge, and wisdom. No matter how tough life may feel at times, we are progressing and will emerge into love and light.
Our intuition is guidance from Source, manifesting through our mind and body. Intuition is the most valuable faculty we have because wise intuition is built on integrated experience, giving us wisdom and spiritual truth. Once we are truly connected to our higher guidance, there is nothing to fear. We are on the road to completing our life’s purpose.
We have seen how the present is a culmination of the
past. Past life trauma can still be active and affect our current lives. Some
undertake a regression to surface any leftover issues interfering with their spiritual
progress, but there are many ways to address current concerns.
One way to proceed is asking for guidance while trusting that help will come. Listening, being open to signals, hunches, and nudges is important. Expecting to be guided to the next step and being brave enough to take it places us squarely on our path. Clearing up trauma from our past lives or current life is tremendously liberating.
Being at a stage where any leftover fears can be released means we can practice surrender and live a peaceful, loving, and joyful life. Joy is important. Joy spreads. Pure joy has a sense of calmness in it, a sweet, gentle joy. It is like a simple smile radiating a special beauty, a wise stillness and deep acceptance.
When you are rich with a wealth of experience, you own a treasure chest filled with jewels of many colors and facets. Some are perfect, while others may be flawed or cloudy. When you meet another, you reach into your treasure chest and intuitively pick up the exact jewel reflecting the same facets of experience and understanding, allowing you to touch the other. This is trusting you have all that you need. “Being” rather than striving. The transfer is energetic, happening on a completely different dimensional level, imparting the knowledge that is desired and needed by the other.
The cloudiness in the jewels is unresolved emotions. Each of us has the responsibility to release these. Although they played a useful role in our development, they are no longer needed. Eventually, we don’t see the clouds anymore, just clarity. Now we are able to hold positive and nurturing energy for the other. In the beginning there is the raw stone, the diamond in the rough, and then comes the honing and the clearing up. The emotional cloudiness is released. The cutting and honing come from our experience, and then we reflect and make connections, putting it all together. That is our path: becoming clear, light, and wise, reflecting love, joy, and peace.
For nearly thirty years, I have been helping clients with their emotional issues. I noticed when I cleared an issue in my own life, I would immediately attract clients who were grappling with similar problems. Even to this day, I notice the same pattern. Clients follow close in the wake of my own healing.
Resolving our issues allows us to resonate with those who are wrestling with the same challenges. This resonance doesn’t just apply to adversities in our current life; it applies to our past lives too. This is why so many healer souls choose to have lives as perpetrators and lives as victims. The deeper their experience, once resolved and integrated, the greater their ability to assist others.
As the shame researcher Brené Brown has said: “Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.
Our calling is to trust, knowing the greater plan playing out is as brilliant and beautiful as the planet on which we live.
The dark night of souls is part of this plan. We cannot see in the dark unless we shine a light on the darkness. Truth can free us. Knowledge expands us, and wisdom brings peace and fulfillment. We cannot appreciate the warmth of the sun unless we have felt the cold of the night.
My hope is that each of us can shine a light on our
darkest experiences and bring more joy, love, and gratitude into our lives and
into our world.
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